

Si les prix indiqués dépassent vos moyens, merci de m'écrire un message pour me décrire votre situation et votre budget, afin de trouver un terrain d'entente.




1 séance: 100 euros
4 séances; 380 euros (au lieu de 400)
6 séances: 560 euros (au lieu de 600)
8 séances: 740 euros (au lieu de 800)
10 séances: 920 euros (au lieu de 1000)




Une annulation au plus tard à 20h la veille de la séance par téléphone (message vocal) ou email est possible en cas de maladie ou situation d'urgence. Votre séance sera reprogrammée.


Je garderai l'espace ouvert pour vous jusqu'à 20 minutes si vous êtes en retard et vous pourrez utiliser le temps restant.


Si vous êtes en retard de plus de 20 minutes ou si vous ne venez pas à une séance sans préavis, vous perdez cette séance et serez entièrement facturé.


Pearl diving is a 3-month program designed to support you moving through crisis, blockages and/or limitations.


This program is not about studying theories, it is about understanding and practicing tools to create real transformation. Your commitment to practice will be the fuel and key of your transformation!


We will dive deep into your shadow and your light. Your willingness to be vulnerable and authentic will serve the letting go of coping mechanisms that have been keeping you safe and are now hindering you to live the life that you want. Be ready to see and do what is necessary to create a shift and let healing occur.


True healing happens when we are able to trust our own experience and take full responsibility for our relationship to it. The philosophy underlying this healing method is based on self-mastery and self-healing: it is gonna support you in reclaiming and exposing the truth of your heart, and create life conditions that suit your needs instead of you trying to fit in an inappropriate environment. This is also the reason why the content may vary to fit each person's own specific needs.



- Twelve 75-minutes private one-on-one sessions. In these sessions you will be the focus of healing. We will explore the resources that support your healing and transformation and the beliefs and behavior patterns that are no longer serving you

- Access to PDF, audio, and video resources

- Journaling prompts

- Email and voice message support between the sessions



- energy field clearing: more vitality, clarity, lightness

- grounding: more stability, safety, sense of capability

- energy healing: pain relief, decrease of suffering, increase of joy

- empowerment: feeling of purpose, capacity to create and design life as wished

- trauma integration through self-awareness and self-acceptance: freedom, integrity, wholeness, alignment, autonomy

- a different approach to painful emotions (anger, fear, guilt, shame…): relief, relaxation, aliveness, authenticity, love



This program is designed for people that want to break free from their old conditioning and feel free, strong, alive and in integrity.

They understand the value of commitment, discipline and vulnerability in the process of self-transformation and they have the willingness to question themselves and face and feel unpleasant and/or intense emotions.

They are ready to journey outside of their comfort zone and experiment with the new version of themselves and let go of their old coping mechanisms.

This program is NOT for people that expect “miracle healing”, that expect someone to save them from themselves and are not ready to take 100% responsibility of themselves!



2100 euros (installments possible)

Momoko Healing

@Holographic Healing Nest

Eisenbahnstr. 11

Hinterhaus Fabrikgebäude

Souterrain rechts

10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg

 +49 (0)151 63407675


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